The Kindergarten year carries the responsibility for wholesome beginnings of adjustment to society. It is the place where children develop a feeling of accomplishment through doing; add to their security through satisfying experiences; and gain a sense of importance in their social world.
The Kindergarten program at Bradley addresses the Common Core Standards. In Mathematics, we study sorting, counting to 100 by 1s and 10s, recognizing and writing numbers to 20, 2 and 3D shapes, addition and subtraction within 10; with an emphasis on students being able to explain their thought processes. In Language Arts, we teach using the Workshop model which allows individualized instruction. Students will read simple texts independently with an end of year goal of level D. We learn the letter names and sounds and 45-60 high frequency words. We write stories, opinion pieces and informative texts across pages with a beginning, middle, and end, and proper letter formation. In Science, we study the life cycles of apples, pumpkins, butterflies, and other living things; weather; farms and agriculture; and geography and the environment. In Social Studies, we learn about our community and the people who live in it, how to interact with others, holidays, and historical figures. We use ipads to enhance our knowledge of technology and to supplement our Math and Language Arts curricula. Art projects are woven throughout the curriculum and throughout the year.
Bradley has a strong tradition of parent participation, and we encourage parents to volunteer in our classrooms!