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First Grade



First Grade at Bradley will take you around the world! Beginning each school year with high expectations and specific standard based goals, the first grade experience is definitely a trip to remember. All students are taught appropriate social interaction, the importance of being an attentive learner and the ability to embrace responsibility. The students are prepared to be successful in mastering all standards at the first grade level and work towards moving above and beyond. They are given the opportunity to build upon their own background knowledge and expand that with hands-on and relative experiences both in and out of the classroom.
Cross-curricular thematic units are taught each year to develop strong literacy skills. These units include themes of the butterfly life cycle, weather and the four seasons, ocean life, plants, and character building. First graders also get to travel around the world by learning about the seven continents through text, guest speakers, and field trips. With each unit, reading and writing is developed through whole class lessons, as well as small, leveled groups. Teachers team together to target and serve these groups for their specific needs. This gives each and every child the opportunity to be successful at his or her own level. Every first grader at Bradley is given the right to a positive and safe place in the world!
Chellee McLay
Margie Brasil-Butaitis
Peggy DeUlloa