Rules and Responsibilities
The rules at Bradley School are made and enforced so that all persons may have safe and productive experiences at school and school events. The following are the school-wide rules:
• Keep hands, feet and objects to oneself
• Use common sense and be honest. If you think there's a chance you might get hurt or hurt someone else either physically or verbally, don't do it
• Remain in assigned areas. Stay in front of the red line so supervising adults can see you
• Use equipment properly
• Complete and turn in assigned work on time
Remember: No one has the right to interfere with others' right to learn.
Additionally, specific rules for the playground, games , and equipment, are posted in all classrooms. Breaking school rules results in a “blue slip” citation being issued. These may be given by any adult supervisor (principal, teacher, aide, yard duty, etc.) Serious infractions (fighting, severe defiance) will result in immediate action by the teacher and administration.
The following paragraphs describe the Bradley School Discipline Plan, adopted by the Site Council and part of the School Plan. Bradley has a tradition of fostering commendable student behavior. The Discipline Plan has been developed to provide a clear statement of responsibilities for students, parents and school staff, which will ensure that the Bradley tradition will continue.
Discipline: A Total School Approach
We believe that:
• Children have dignity and worth
• Children can and should behave appropriately
• Discipline is a shared responsibility between the home and the school
• Both positive and negative behaviors should be acknowledged with appropriate responses
• An effective, rational discipline program is a necessary element for a safe and productive learning environment
Our program is designed to:
• Teach students to maintain self discipline and make appropriate choices
• Clearly define school rules and behavioral expectations
• Emphasize the advantages of effective communication
• Provide positive reinforcement for desired behaviors
Shared responsibilities enable the schoolwide program to be successful:
Students are responsible for:
• Following school/classroom rules and respecting the authority of the principal, teachers, and other school staff
• Demonstrating classroom/school site behavior which enables them and other students to exercise their right to learn, play, etc. without disruptions
Parents are responsible for:
• Acknowledging their children for demonstrating appropriate behavior
• Reviewing school discipline rules/regulations with their children to ensure that they understand the standards of conduct expected at school or school related events
• Consulting with appropriate school/district personnel and seeking out, when necessary, community resources which might assist their children in developing more positive behaviors
Teachers are responsible for:
• Assisting in the development and consistent following of school rules
• Clearly maintaining specific classroom behavioral limits that communicate to students and parents the necessary elements for an effective learning environment
• Establishing a classroom/program atmosphere which encourages appropriate behavior and provides every student with the opportunity to pursue learning in a safe, supportive environment
The Administrators are responsible for:
• Fostering a school climate which promotes high expectations for appropriate behavior
• Acknowledging students who demonstrate appropriate behaviors
• Clarifying rules, responsibilities and expectations
• Supporting teachers, students and parents in maintaining a learning environment which maximizes everyone's opportunity to teach/learn
• Enforcing the discipline plan within existing district, state and federal laws.
Any item that creates unnecessary disturbance is prohibited on campus. Among those items prohibited are:
• Handheld video games, ipods, video players, etc.
• skateboards, rollerblades
• hardballs, baseball bats
• firecrackers
• knives, guns or weapons of any kind including toys or replicas
A strong, positive discipline program seeks to involve students in resolving their own conflicts (in the classroom and other parts of the school) at the earliest possible stage. Based on this goal, Bradley students and staff are encouraged to follow these basic yet powerfully effective conflict resolution steps:
• In solving problems utilize the following rules:
• No interrupting
• No name-calling
• Tell the truth
• Try to solve the problem
• When you don't like what someone is doing start out with a “I” statement (e.g. “I didn't like it when you…).
• When resolving conflicts, attempt to answer these three questions:
• What's the problem?
• What can you do to solve the problem?
• Is the problem solved? (Be specific about who will do what and when)
• If the problem is solved, both students should make eye contact and shake hands.
• Students who demonstrate appropriate behaviors will be rewarded by TOPS recognition, no blueslip celebrations, and be given Bradley Bonuses.
A character building program will be in place and reinforced on a monthly basis.