- Students/Families
Homework Policy
Homework helps build responsibility, self-discipline, and life-long learning habits. Time spent on homework directly influences students’ ability to meet teachers’ academic goals as well as the California state academic standards. Homework should be an extension of classroom learning so that each student may reach that goal.
Individual teachers expect students and parents to view homework as a routine and important part of students’ daily lives. Although it is the student’s responsibility to do most homework assignments independently, teachers expect all students to use parents and other family members as contributing resources.
Most children should be able to finish their homework within a reasonable time period. If your child is experiencing difficulties in completing his/her homework, please request a conference with your child's teacher.
Parents should provide a time and space for the child to complete homework assignments. A special place in the house, away from most distractions, and a consistent homework time have proven to be the most beneficial for academic success. Parents should show interest in their child’s work by checking over assignments daily, reinforcing the child’s efforts. Children are expected to complete their assignments on time and put their best effort into the work.
The suggested amounts of time for students who are working at grade level include:
Amount of Time
average 15 minutes
average 30 minutes
average 45 minutes
average 60 minutes
Students are also expected to read each night for an additional 15-30 minutes to develop and improve their reading. Parents of K-1 students are encouraged to read to their child for a comparable amount of time.
Students who do not complete numerous homework assignments are likely to fall behind in their studies, thereby affecting their learning and their grades.
Adopted by School Site Council, February 3, 2009