Field Trip Guidelines
Thank you for accompanying us on our field trip! Some important things to remember for SAFETY:
All drivers need to have insurance and driver’s license on file in the office
All drivers must be fingerprinted and have a current TB test on file with the district office
All students need to wear seatbelts. All children whose weight or height exceeds the forward-facing limit for their car seat should use a belt-positioning booster seat until the vehicle seat belt fits properly, typically when they have reached 4 feet 9 inches in height and are 8 through 12 years of age
The teacher is responsible for reviewing all safety and behavior guidelines with the entire group.
Follow travel plans/directions carefully as given by the classroom teacher. Please follow any special instructions for this planned educational experience
Give your cell phone number to the teacher in charge if you have one.
Please do not stop at any unplanned destinations such as restaurants, stores etc. when you are driving students on a field trip. The school cannot be liable for this.
We realize that a field trip will be a good opportunity to visit with other parents. However, you will be given a group of students to supervise during the trip, and it is important for you to monitor them and keep them safe.
Do not bring infants or siblings on field trips; this creates a serious liability issue and is not allowed by the district. This also may be a distraction for you when supervising Bradley students.
If a child in your group is too challenging for you to supervise, tell the teacher immediately, and the teacher will take charge of that child.
If you bring a snack to share with the class, we ask that the food and drink be in accordance with the district nutritional policy: “food items such as candy, soda, chips, or other items high in sugar or fat will be discouraged.”
Cost of Field Trip
Check with your child’s teacher to find out if:
…you will be responsible for paying your own entrance fee/ticket
…you will pay a parking fee
…you will be driving a great distance outside of this county****
…your child qualifies for a scholarship
****Any amount a child may wish to donate for the cost of gas should be given directly to the driver.
Thank you for volunteering at Bradley School